Thursday, October 8, 2009

How can you learn to speak German easily

Today's employers love to see a second language on your resume. And if that second language is one you'll be able to use in one of the world's most important markets - Germany - all the better! But isn't German difficult to learn? How can you learn to speak German easily?

If you really want to learn a language like German fast for the best results, then I think you must join Rocket German today.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to Learn Italian

How to Learn Italian

How often have you listened to a recording in Italian and marveled at the beauty of the language? When angels sing, Italian sounds like the language they'd choose. While we cannot teach you how to sing like an angel, we can certainly help you discover how to learn Italian and you'll be delighted to know that it doesn't require supernatural talents! You'll build on a skill you've already perfected, listening.

Amazingly, research shows that listening is pretty much all you have to do. Children learn from listening to their parents. First, as babies, we listen to the sound of the language our parents speak; we don't understand the individual words, but we sort out the sounds that belong to our language from all other possible vocal sounds. Eventually we begin to attach meaning to certain sounds we hear; your Mother may ask "Where is your nose?" and we touch our noses. Finally we begin to try making some of those sounds ourselves. If we're successful, our parents understand us and respond with joy. If they do not understand our speaking attempts they will show it in their body language meaning we need to try again until they do. This is exactly how to learn Italian too!

But suppose you don't have Italian parents, or even a neighborhood Nonni. It's not too late. If there is a nearby school, university, or community center that offers Italian classes, consider taking advantage of the opportunity. But if there's not, or classes don't fit into your schedule, choose a good audio-based language program to learn Italian. Make sure it's audio-based; you won't get a good accent out of a book. It is a good idea to learn Dostoyevsky by reading it, however when it comes to learn the Italian language then it is not such a good idea!

When you've learned some basic Italian words and phrases and got use to the sound of the language, then you must do everything you can to hear Italian spoken by authentic speakers and speak it yourself whenever you can. Watch Italian movies, with and without subtitles. Go to see an Italian opera, and try to understand what they're singing about. Go to your neighborhood pizza joint, and find out if the owners speak Italian; they probably do, and would be happy to chat in their native tongue. If your community has a civic association or an Italian-American club, make new friends. They will be more than delighted to teach you how to learn Italian.

Italian is a dynamic, living language, the language of Dante just as much as it is the language of the Godfather. Learning it will give you a window on not only a beautiful country (which you may sometime want to visit), but on a wonderful culture made up of vibrant people. As you discover how to learn Italian, you'll find you've opened the door to a whole new world.

Gerrit owns the popular foreign language learning site Learn a Language. Do YOU want more ways to learn Italian fast? Visit the Rocket Italian review page for more information and grab your 6-day Free Italian lessons.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Primal Screams audio book download by Bart Dahmer

Primal Screams audio book download
Primal Screams audio book download by Bart Dahmer:

"A twist of fate set events in motion, but it was Zach Marshall’s ingenuity that had saved two worlds from Crimson’s plague. But for what? While billions revered Zach for defeating Crimson and her plague, everything Zach loved had been taken from him and his faith had been shaken to its core.

Now, a year and a lifetime later, Zach is living on Ptain as Earth’s Ambassador, working to build an alliance to ensure Earth’s survival. But nothing is as it seems in this high stakes interplanetary game of power and intrigue. Even as Zach struggles to save humanity, he has to decide whether he has the courage to start his personal life over and risk everything once again--because Crimson is still out there, searching for Zach and Earth and revenge..."

Publisher : 2008 Innovo Publishing, LLC
Author : Bart Dahmer
Narrator : Ralph Wallace
Length : 7 hours 30 minutes (Unabridged)

Primal Screams audio book

Download your own audio book copy of Primal Screams by Bart Dahmer and enjoy this great Sci-Fi audio book today.