"In school you began with ABC & in this work you begin with basics as well. These become your welcome touchstones. This is where you will return if you fall off course. Here you will learn about food groups & what your body cell managers need to run the cells of your body. Every cell in your body is an expert at what it does. As you come to understand this rather child-like story, you will be able to see clearly what you must do & you will want to do it.".........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
This audio is designed to assist the listener in assessing his/her nutritional program & encouraging behaviors that will improve all areas of life from physical health, to cognition & creativity. The program is appropriate for those working with anorexia or disorderly/lazy eating with a tendency towards under-nutrition.
Sound nutrition includes eating sufficient protein for the lean body mass, a balance of healthy fats, lower-glycemic & high glycemic carbohydrates, as well as healthy beverages. The audio presents mind & body tools for making positive changes including Interactive Self-Hypnosis, Awareness Meditative Tools & Imagery for High Level Health & Performance.
This audio is designed to assist the listener in increasing their food & beverage intake to healthy levels. The program is focused on assessing nutritional intake, managing emotions & thoughts associated with intake management & providing the listener with affirmations & positive images for achieving these goals.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information.
Play sample of Managing Under -Nutrition or Excessive Dieting.